I’ve been using Instagram since 2010(ish) and it pains me to have been through it all and never have had a following or gone viral. I’ve just consumed and consumed for 15 years. And now I have a 3 year old. It was fun when I was breast feeding and now the addiction is so profound. I’m taking a break from socials for Lent. We will see what it brings. I’m a creative person that craves connection so it’s fun to, but when no one is noticing it’s not worth it. Why did I curate or extensively document this moment for no one to even notice it. Your perspective helps me see that even with the fame it isnt worth it.

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Madi, this is wonderful. I feel like I needed to read something like this not for my Instagram use, but more so for my Substack use. So convicting and true.

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Good for you! I don’t think you’ll regret that decision at all! Our children grow up so quickly, they deserve our absolute best!

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I normally take breaks away from instagram but this past week I had to delete all the apps. It was causing me to spiral. Thank you for sharing so I know I’m not the only one! I feel like each day I get some more clarity.

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so good Madi. a hard truth that needs to be shared more.

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I recently decided to trade Instagram for Substack. I'm for long form writing over snippets, reels, and sound bites all day long!

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Wow, what a timely post. I needed to hear this. The rat race of Instagram has really gotten to me in new motherhood, it’s hard to balance.

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Very well written and honest assessment many can related with. Take time between posts, family first.

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